The Last Ark of The Covenent

What Happens When You Give a Man Who Isn’t Your Husband Your Phone Number
The Setting: The Peninsula Hotel lounge in Beverly Hills Chic. Cloistered. Peopled with gorgeous women of a certain age (35+). My dear friend Glenna

My BlogHer 2013 Voices Of The Year “Sex” Talk Is Here (Video)
My BlogHer 2013 Voices of The Year keynote speech titled, “What I Know About Sex now that I’m in my 40s” is here.

My Tween Daughters And I Love “Camp Gyno”
If you’re the mother of daughters just ramping up for puberty this Camp Gyno video is a must. (this is NOT a sponsored post).

When Your Spouse Asks You To Take A Lover
Have you ever wondered what you would do if your spouse was disabled by an illness or injury and was no longer able to have

What I Know About Sex Now That I’m In My 40s at BlogHer 2013
In the blogging world, I had a pinnacle experience tonight. I was ushered onstage by Queen Latifah as one of 12 bloggers to read

5 Reasons Traveling With Your Kids May Keep Them Off Drugs: Ireland Photos
We travel all over with our kids. That’s where all and any extra cash goes. We’ve taken them to Hawaii, Seattle, Toronto, The Grand Canyon, San

Marital Infidelity: A Marriage Surviving It
Sometimes Things Break Open to Become Better My friend Cleo met her husband Eric twenty-five years ago when she moved into her parents’ retirement

My Kids Aren’t Me
I always think my kids will like the things I like. I was a water baby. I lived in the ocean as a kid,

When You Know You’re An Addict
My doctor won’t prescribe me any more Ambien. She says I could wake up wearing nothing but a smile while driving my car the wrong

Girls in their Natural Habitat
Voices: “… and then they’re naked in the jungle and they have to survive.” “When you said naked, I thought you meant they didn’t have

What Happened When Henry And I Dabbled In The Sexy BDSM Underworld
This post contains graphic sexual content which might convince you to never have sex again: Before we had kids, Henry and I decided to

I Could’ve Been A Milk Carton Kid – Which is Why I Helicopter Parent
My friend Amy told me she lets her 10-year old walk around our Los Angeles neighborhood alone. I tried to keep myself from gasping aloud.