The Last Ark of The Covenent

How I Got 7x Faster at Forgiveness
Sometimes it feels really good to be pissed off at people. We can get really puffed up and indignant about their obviously assinine behavior …

How to Pray 101. Hint: I Didn’t Learn It in Church
“I realize that when I pray, I assume I’m not perfect enough for God. I assume God disapproves of me, is disappointed in me …

11 Things in Your Kitchen Right Now That’ll Kill You!
Wheat is one of the deadliest foods that kill. It can give you “wheat belly;” making you bulbous and inflamed …

How One Dream Changed My Life Forever
Excerpt: “Touching her is the worst part. She’s still warm. Her limp body is a rebuke as I press it to my chest, trying to comfort and revive her. A bottle of milk appears. I try to feed the kitten as my heart beats frantically in time with the words in my head, please don’t die, please don’t die, please don’t die.” Keep reading

Does This Woman Look Trustworthy? (VIDEO)
Hello Ninjas — I’m typing this while wearing nothing but stilettos and a smile … okay, I’m in my pajamas wearing reading glasses with

Benefits of Midlife Sex
“We’ve both gained a life ring around our middles; Eric’s lost his gorgeous hair and I’ve discovered hair in my nose …

The Effects of Divorce on Children
How My Parents’ Divorce Turned Me Into Jason Bourne The effects of divorce on children often makes them into fantastic spies. My parents divorced

How My Grandma Took a Stand & Decided to Leave Her Church of 40 Years
This Story Is in Honor of National Grandparents Day & LBGT Rights In 1988 at the height of the AIDs epidemic and near-hysterical homophobia,

The #1 Killer of Married Sex
“You can’t just run off to Sri Lanka, spending your days filming a documentary on the knitwear sweat factories while visiting opium dens in the evening.”

Inspiration From a Teacher With My Daughter When an “Active Shooter” Terrorized UCLA
“As we sat together in silence, I called each of your names, and in the quiet of that room, where the tension was still thick with not knowing, I wanted to say your names over and over again.”

Blown Sideways: The Day I Left Jack Kerouac
“I’d also leave my aged Beauty Rest mattress. A forensics team would find remnants of the married actor who showed up to rehearse a scene from “Two For the See-Saw” going commando under his sweats …

He Answered the Door With a Gun
What happened in the hot tub stays in the hot tub. Let’s just say I did not lose my virginity there, but the Kraken had been unleashed …