The Last Ark of The Covenent

The Love Your Body Now Project
Healing Body Image Issues Through Fine Art Nudes (Beth) Hello Beauties — I’m very excited to announce that photographer Beth Sanders, body coach Marlene Zaleznick and I

Feeling Blue On Valentine’s Day
Today is a blue day for no particular reason. My children are thriving. My marriage is solid. We have money in the bank and

Experts Say, “Don’t Tell Your Daughter She’s Pretty!”
There’s a trend in parenting to compliment our children’s abilities rather than their appearance. The lead in a recent Daily Telegraph article states: “Parents should stop

Sex and Drugs “To Don’t” List For Teenagers
My kids don’t do what I say. Especially in the morning before school (TMBS). In TMBS they become spaced-out love children in the Haight

The Thing That Put This Soccer Mom In Her Place
I’ve been reveling in some bragging rights about my daughter Bridget’s prowess as a soccer goalie. She made the All-Star team this year and

I Want Him To Dominate Me In Bed!
In bed, I’m soft. Demure. Enticing as Brigitte Bardot in And God Created Woman, with doe-like come-hither glances and marzipan hair. I’m as tremulous as

They Found A Lump In My Breast
It’s the moment every woman dreads. You’re lying flat on your back, your feet in stirrups and a doctor lady with cold fingers kneads

The Post In Which I Fail As A Mother
Me to Bridget (aged 9) when I fail as a mother: Honey, I’m sorry I lost it with daddy in front of you today.

What Constitutes Drinking Too Much?
I drink wine. Every day. Usually two glasses and lately it’s red. Henry eats bread. Every day. Sometimes at two in the morning. And

Are You Spectatoring During Sex??
My first lover was a USC football player with 0% body fat. He looked like this: You’d think we would have had hot sex.

What Makes Me Feel Optimistic In A World Full Of Bad News
If you read my blog you know I’m capable of catastrophic Irish morbidity. Case in point. When my daughters strike an aloof attitude toward me

Au Revoir Paris, Time to Get Organized for 2014.
Leaving Paris to go home and: 1. Set up mammogram. 2. Set up doctor appointment to remove child’s warts. 3. Figure out Obama Care. 4. Pick up cats from kennel 5. Mainline crack.