The Last Ark of The Covenent

We Leave For An African Safari on Wednesday!
On Wednesday, should all the stars align, my family and I will be boarding a plane DESTINATION AFRICA! I don’t really believe it. It

Castrating an Unwitting Softball Commissioner
A child, who shall remain nameless — (So if you think you know which child she is, you don’t!) came home tonight from her

Five Things I Love Today
I’ve been content for three days in a row. Well, I had one little shard of jealousy poke me. As I watched Girls last night and Lena

When Victims of Dating Abuse Are Too Scared to Tell
This week I’m focusing on teen dating abuse. Yesterday I wrote about a former classmate who was murdered by her boyfriend after she broke

When ‘Love’ Kills: Teen Dating Abuse & Intimate Partner Violence
I’ve been planning my 30th high school reunion, searching high and low for class of 1983 graduates. This has brought up a lot of

I Knew Roman Coppola Before Oscar Did
It’s That Time of Year Again I woke up yesterday and did what I usually do this time of year, which is check to see

I May Have to Gag My Husband
Henry is outside as I type this, reading the first draft of a book I’m writing. It was quiet out there when I entered. His

Talking to Kids About Sex
When I was a kid my parents didn’t talk to me about sex. At eight, when I asked my mom what a condom was,

You Read, Therefore I Am
I’m back! Wait .. whaddaya mean you didn’t know I was gone? Didn’t your world feel a little bit empty? Wasn’t it harder to laugh,

Gone Fishing Over The Holidays (Christmas Photos)
Hello, Dear Fellow Humans. I have not felt like updating and writing. I’ve felt like eating Christmas cake cookies and drinking egg nog spiked

The Single Woman Christmas Letter
This was my last Christmas letter as a single woman, clinging by a very thin thread to the fabric of sanity. January Love: Boyfriend

Kirkus Review Names My Book, Into The Child, One of Top 100 Indies of 2012
Hello my Dearest Readers, Thank you so much for reading! I just found out my book, Into The Child: 40 Weeks in the Gestational