The Last Ark of The Covenent

Is Bad Sex A Good Reason to Divorce?
My friend Bethany kept falling in lust with men at her office. This would’ve been fine, except that she was in a seventeen-year marriage

The Happiness Photos
I’m happy today. What the hell am I going to blog about? Oh, Happiness how you foil my creativity! How soft and sloppy you

How to Beat Santa Extortion Def-Con 5!
Henry and I spend too much money all year round. He’s a groceries hoarder. If you came to our house and opened our refrigerator, you would

My Kids Attacked Me!
I fancy myself a bit of an athlete. There was that time that I beat my dad in a 10K even though I walked part of

My Adventures in Fat Freezing
Writing my blog exposes where I am in my psychological evolution on any given day. And writing at the speed of sound isn’t wise.

Dreaming of Africa: My Personal Photos
My family and I are going to Africa in February, which I won’t believe until I land. In August of 2000, I had the

I “Heart” David O Russell
I met David O Russell yesterday! He’s the writer/director of Flirting With Disaster, Three Kings, I “Heart” Huckabees and The Fighter, info for all you

How Many Pre-Marital Lovers Is Too Many?
She Had Vastly More Lovers Than Him My friend Maggie (who gave me permission to write this) is a volunteer at her children’s elementary

When Is It TMI For Kids?
Bridget came home the other day and said, “Mommy, I love third grade.” What luck! Thought I. She must love her teacher, unlike me

Being A Child Of Divorce Makes Me Think I Get Gays
I’ve been watching Ryan Murphy’s (Glee) new NBC sitcom The New Normal about a committed gay couple having a baby with a quirky, kind surrogate mother

Dissection of the Ménage à Trois
1988 was a banner year for me. I was separately invited by two male college friends to engage in a ménage à trois with them and their

5 Things Not To Do In Front Of Your Daughters
Clare is 10, Bridget is 8 They still climb in bed with us in the morning. They still want to snuggle in front of