The Last Ark of The Covenent

Crystal the Porn Star
“I’ve looked on many women with lust. I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me.” —

Gavin DeGraw Almost Got Me Killed!
I blame it all on Google It happened a month ago to the day. I logged on to AOL to check my email and

I Hate Halloween!
9:11 p.m. Halloween Night … Sugar. No more sugar. Or corn syrup. Or malto-yickitomasmazoo. I am tired of costumes that are scratchy and too tight

Why TV is Good For Kids
I Love Lucy saved my life when I was a kid. My parents divorced when I was two. Today I wouldn’t have it any

Will My Daughters Ever Love Each Other? (Sibling Rivalry)
All Hell Breaks Loose Clare and I were rolling around with our fat cat Marilyn Monroe on the bed I’ve been inhabiting with the

Felled By The Flu
Sick. Fluey, coldish, hacky. Blech. This is really getting in the way of my world domination. How am I supposed to pillage, flank, conquer,

My Unnatural Fixation With Gavin DeGraw
I’m obsessed with Gavin DeGraw. I had no idea who Gavin DeGraw was until he got beaten up in New York and my morbid

Requiem For a Heavyweight
September 16th, 2011 At 9 a.m. my stepfather Guido (yes, Guido, with all the ardor for life that implies) passed away due to the

I Know It’s Not Modern, But I’m In Love With My Husband
Henry (not his real name, his real name’s … Britannicus Maximus) — — drove up to Santa Barbara from our home in L.A. today

How to Respond When a Child Prefers One Parent (And It’s Not You!)
My eighteen month-old toddler Clare prefers her daddy more than me. There it is. In black-and-white for all to see. A public indictment of

Go The F#%k Back To School!
They’re still here. In their bedrooms. In their pajamas. Beds unmade. Toys strewn. They’re bored. They’re addicted to technology. Their eyes glaze over, their jaws slacken,

When The Drug Dealers Moved In Next Door
My grade schoolers now know this: “If you illegally sell marijuana the cops’ll bust you and throw you in the slammer where they’ll make