The Last Ark of The Covenent

Love Your Body Now: Healing from Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Healing from Hidradenitis Suppurativa & Body Image Issues Through Fine Art Nudes: (Stephanie) When I met Stephanie, a self-described Empath and Healer, in Boulder,

The Most Important “Sexy” Model Video Ever
Save The Children USA This brought tears to my eyes. Save The Children USA tried to make saving children “sexy.” Whatever it takes to

Husbands and Wives
Are Henry and I the next Grey Gardens? The latest in my Husbands and Wives Series. Lately, Henry’s been cooking mushy, formless, tasteless chicken. “Can you please

Then He Told Me He Had a Mistress (When Cheating Becomes Love)
I am frequently mistaken for a priest. People confess things to me. I don’t ask them to tell me their secrets, but I must

8 Signs my Husband Needs Sex
It was time. I could tell it was time because Henry — who usually traverses the house with the stealth of a Native American tracking

Daughters are from Venus, Daddies are from Mars
The Father Daughter Relationship Daddies value quiet, calm, cool-headedness, solutions to problems and a frothy lager. Daughters value love, acceptance, patience and a safe place

7 Surprising Things My Mom Did!
Mother Daughter Relationships: I was raised in the 70s era of the skyrocketing divorce rate (key parties?) and the afternoon martini cart (reference any

A Night at The Shining Hotel
All I really seem to crave right now is some warm milk and a Thai caning. Neither of which I am capable of purloining in The Peery Hotel aka The Overlook Hotel in The Shining. I may not survive the night.

The Scar Project
Are You Afraid Your Body Isn’t Beautiful After an Accident or Surgery? (Body Image Issues) Today I received a comment that made my heart

10 Signs You’re Dating an Asshat, 5 Tips to Avoid Them
Asshats. We’ve all been in love with at least one. Haven’t we? If you haven’t, do me a service and lie. What defines an

Why I Couldn’t Resist Him
Marriage advice from a Wife Dominatrix: Last weekend I wanted to eat my husband alive. His eyes were more cerulean than a ‘Sconset sky on a bike-ride

Seducing the Leading Man is no Picnic
It’s 1991.Joanne Woodward approaches me in my dressing room. Yes, the actress who won an Oscar for The Three Faces Of Eve circa 1957, (and who