The Last Ark of The Covenent

5 Steps to Handling Difficult People
While going through my divorce, my therapist said to me “if he was like this while you were married, why do you expect him to be different now?” …

“I See You’ve Made a New Friend”
These are the things I remember about the Gone Boy. Hazel eyes. Slippery black hair. Fluidity of motion. Chipped front teeth. Velvety skin. A goofy laugh. A whipsmart brain …

The Shocking Truth about Women in Lingerie over 50 (Photos)
HuffPo 50 took photographs of 11 women ranging in age from 48-67 in their lingerie then asked them how do they feel sexy today as opposed to in their twenties …

Danielle, Embracing Beauty Despite Breast Cancer (LYBN)
“I felt a small lump in my breast in February 2014. When I saw my oncologist and all the results were in, I was told that I had Stage-4 metastatic breast cancer …

I Got Over my Midlife Crisis in Syrian Refugee Camps
“Then something kind of crazy happened. A friend asked me if I’d be willing to volunteer with her in Syrian refugee camps on the island of Lesvos in Greece …

A Colleary Christmas 2015 (The Back Waxing Edition)
“Okay, I told Henry he could write his part of the letter, because there was a good chance I’d run amuck …

Volunteering in Syrian Refugee Camps
Excerpt: “Things get real when I’m handed the three-year-old son of the pregnant woman …

How Syrian Refugees can Trump Donald Trump (hint: a mouse)
“But Sunni and Shia death squads began targeting Iraqis working for the coalition …

Syrian Men Become Refugees to Avoid Becoming Terrorists (video)
“The men, ages 20 to 25, were weak from three days without food and water, were soaked to the skin from a treacherous sea crossing from Turkey …

I Was Told Not to Help Syrian Refugees
My father cursed me. I was departing to volunteer and gather stories in Syrian refugee camps in Lesvos, Greece …

What I Found in the Syrian Refugee Camps
“I have my own story. One I’ve replayed in my head when dread lodges in my body while I watch the scenes of horror in Paris unfold on TV …

Jack Nicholson, Jane Fonda, James Dean and Me?
I don’t know what’s happening, but a hole opens in my chest. It’s a vortex that everything dark and broken gets sucked down into …