The Last Ark of The Covenent

How Married Sex Changed When I Cheated Death
Look at That Handsome Face! I’m not sure what moon my cycle is in, or which lunar orbit is pivoting across the satellite of my

How Becoming a 1950s Pin Up Girl Boosted my Body Image!
Last week I got to be a Bombshell. I’ve always wanted to be a Bombshell, and am grateful to chocolate and french bread for

The Breast Expert With Vertigo (Finding the Right Bra!)
Intimacy with strangers just happens to me. There was the gentleman confessor of an adulterous liaison on the flight back from Boulder and now

My Kids Don’t Rebel Against Me, I Rebel Against Them!
12-year-old Clare looks at me as I’m getting ready to go to the gym. Clare: Shannon, you can’t wear those shorts. Me: I am

If Corrupting My Child Is Wrong, I Don’t Wanna Be Right
We’re the parents who allowed our 12-year old daughter to watch two R-rated movies. Is it my imagination, or have our phones stopped ringing

My Sexcapades at Cannes
It is our driver, Jean-Christophe, who has caught my eye. He’s an older man of twenty-three and alluringly poker-faced. His eyes are a cerulean blue, his hair a tangle of black curls one could twist one’s fingers into.

What Happened When I Forced my Daughter into the Ocean
Bad Parenting 101 The day was perfect for boogie boarding at the beach. The tubes were hollow, the pits weren’t dropping, there weren’t any bombs

5 Summer Camp Activities My Kids Hated
I did something that totally pissed my kids off. I sent them to summer sports camp so I could work and try to make money

5 Foods That Improve Sex Drive
Guess what? Food is NOT the enemy! That is, unless you’re consuming Twinkies, pork rinds and Funyons on a regular basis. But what a relief

10 Signs a Peri-Menopausal Woman Needs her Meds
ALERT! ALERT! ALL PERI-MENOPAUSAL WOMEN BEWARE: In case you were thinking of accidentally forgetting to renew your antidepressants, and weren’t concerned about missing a

My Antidepressant Withdrawal in “Literary Quotes”
7 a.m. Without my antidepressants, I wake and think: “I am born.” — (Charles Dickens, David Copperfield) I feel fine and fresh and new. I

My Daughters They Would Never Speak to me Again (Funny)
Okay. This is funny even if you’re having period cramps. Don’t want to publish any spoilers, so all I can really write about this