The Last Ark of The Covenent

Does It Really Matter Whose Kid Is Smarter?
My kids are smart. They have a genetic pre-disposition. I was smart. Their dad was smart. We had high GPAs. We had high SATs.

Why I Stopped Pushing “Pretty” on My Daughter
My 10-year-old daughter Clare only likes to wear clothes from the boy’s section. Preferably a boxy, shapeless t-shirt with pictures of Spiderman or any other superhero

When Someone Dies Too Young
An unexpected call. I was working in my outdoor office last Thursday in the 90-degree heat when my cell phone rang. I didn’t recognize the phone

Sleeping With Women
Not since college have I slept four women in a room, two to a bed. And usually that was under the influence of Thunderbird and

The Man You Want May Already Be In Your Bed
Friday night our daughters Bridget and Clare both had Sleepovers Elsewhere They were gone by 5:30 p.m. and were not to return until the

The Puberty Video’s at the End of the Year
Puberty is coming to my house. I have a fifth grader and the puberty video’s at the end of the year. But already things

There Will Be No Child Actors Here!
A Star Is Born in our Family Yes, yes, I know Bridget is my child, therefore I’m partial. But this is not a subjective

6 Pieces of Advice to my Former Self – An INXS Suicide Blonde
1. Throwing your expensive bachelors degree in journalism out the window to pursue acting despite everyone’s doubts will be the best thing that ever happened

A Cheating Boyfriend Drove Me To God
And that’s when I see Her. She’s sitting where I’ve often slept, on Mr. C’s futon. She’s junkie-thin wearing a turquoise mid-riff top exposing a silver belly ring above skinny jeans.

Lunch At Bergdorf Goodman
I Love New York City I love the way it smells like bagels and urine. I love that it causes sweat to run in

When Caregivers Strike
“We’re born in diapers and we die in diapers.” This is what my grandpa Rusty told my mom, aunt, grandma and me as we hovered

My Glamorous Experience Starring In A Movie!
“I could get you a job here if this acting thing don’t work out,” Bea says. “Wow, thanks. I’m flattered.” I’m in the Torture Room at Fran’s Ranch, a whorehouse in Beatty, Nevada. We’re shooting a scene for a non-union movie called, Leta Has Two Lovers and I’m worried the only reason I have a part in the film is because the director, Benjamin, is trying to get in my pants.