The Last Ark of The Covenent

6 Ways to Keep Kids Happy on Vacation in Paris While Enjoying It Yourself
Welcome to my Traveling With Kids In Paris series: This year our vacation has been to Paris over the kids’ winter break. Here are

Traveling With Kids in Paris
Shhh. I’m hiding in an internet cafe on Rue Thouin across the street from the apartment we’re renting on the Left Bank in the Latin

Happy New Year 2014 From TWFKAB! (Photos)
We’re heading to Paris Tomorrow! It sounds sexy, but I promise to vomit on the plane and have an affair with Gerard Depardieu who

In Defense of a Commercial Christmas
We Collearys are not a religious people. Henry’s a recovering Catholic. I was raised Mormon and love them dearly, but simply could not commit to

When Sex Is More Meaningful Than Having The “Big O”
“Henry. Henry, wake up! We have to consummate our marriage.” “No, we don’t!” “Yes, we do. Now come on.” “I can’t.” “If the musicians

Long Marriage = Adventurous Sex?
I met my friend Mistress Justine for lunch on Friday. That’s not her real name, but it should be. She and her husband, Raoul (also a

The Moustache Debacle
He Had Me at his Handlebar Mustouche The other day a diminutive man who placed second in The World Beard & Moustache Championship (in

My Name Is Tom
Last week I picked my daughters and a friend of theirs up from school. We made a pitstop at our favorite taco truck in

The Virgin Marriage
In honor of my little brother turning 40 today I’m reposting his love/life philosophies. The gift that keeps on giving. I love you, sweetheart!

How I Ended Up Holding A Package of Brains
Why You Should Support Public Education I was a little startled to find myself holding a package containing twelve vacuum-packed brains last Wednesday. “Please tell

The Surprising Thing That Happened When I Parented Someone Else’s Child?
When other people’s children are in my care I treat them like they’re mine. I didn’t used to do this, but I’ve had kids

A Trader Joes Cashier Broke My Heart
Trader Joes. That bastion of affordable wasabi peas, almond milk and hemp oil. That innovator of quality ingredients for everyday low prices. That hire-er of