The Last Ark of The Covenent

The Exquisite Maternal Martyr
“Alright fine, let’s just go! No one wants to be here anyway, so let’s just go home and all get on our electronic devices in

The Love Your Body Now Project
Healing Body Image Issues Through Fine Art Nudes (Claire) When I asked Claire, a Denver-based sales rep, why she wanted to participate in our

What’s Girlfriend Poker?
Whose Is Worst? Ladies, have you ever bonded with fellow ladies by describing all of the things you don’t like about your body, and

How TV Sex Sets Us Up To Fail In Bed
I just discovered Scandal on Netflix. Yes. I know. I’m coming (pun intended) to the Oliva Pope/President Fitzgerald party waaaaaay late. But I’ve come to

My Prom Don’t-Kiss-and-Tell
Here I am with my first prom date. It turns out I was the only girl he DIDN’T kiss. I’d had a crush on him from afar. He

What Happened after my Prom Dress Came off…
I tried to open my bedroom window and it wouldn’t budge. Someone had locked it. I glanced confusedly at Albert. This is when we both heard my father’s Clint Eastwood-esque voice from the nearby porch, “Shannon,” he said, “you’ve slit your own throat.”

10 Ways Having Kids Changed My Life
When the nurse placed my first swaddled newborn on my chest right after I gave birth, I believe the first words out of my mouth

What Happened When I Fell in Love With a Hollywood Femme Fatale
Excerpted from my Bradley-Colleary’s novel; Smash, Crash and Burn: Tales From the Edge of Celebrity. This story includes: A Love Triangle – Spring 1988 The squealing

Which is Better? “Normal Barbie” or “Real-Life Barbie?”
Barbie’s gotten a lot of flack over the last decade for having body proportions that are anatomically impossible. Her Highness of Vapidity has even been

The Love Your Body Now Project (2)
Healing Body Image Issues Through Fine Art Nudes (Ruby) I’ve begun the “Love Your Body Now” project with photographer, Beth Sanders. We’ve recently added a

Petitioning Yves Saint Laurent, to Stop Using Images of Painfully Thin Models
I was sitting in my office (the bathroom) flipping through the latest Vanity Fair. I was annoyed that Julia Roberts was on the cover

My Night With Michael Hutchence and INXS
SUICIDE BLONDE: FALL 1990 “My name’s not on the list?” “I’m looking … Shannon Bradley … Shaaaaa … nnon Bradleeeeey …” mutters the security