The Last Ark of The Covenent

Battle of the Narcissists
I slump next to Fred, who is five, on a couch at his mom’s birthday party. Me: I can’t believe your mom is 47

What To Do When You Feel Like a Loser!
I frequently think I’m a sluggard. I mean what am I doing with my life? Am I doing enough? Shouldn’t I be more intelligent,

My Encounter With A Never Nude at MomsLa
I occasionally post at a fabulous website called MomsLa. However I didn’t realize how repressed some of their members are. I am trying

I’m Pro-Choice Because I Love My Kids
I don’t consider this a political blog … But the whole Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke kerfuffle and Obama’s excoriation by the religious right has me

Softball Mom
“Wow, your daughter’s got quite an arm!” says a dad sitting next to me at Little League softball tryouts. “Oh I don’t know … I

Walk the Walk, Naked Lady! (Be Warned – Fine Art Nudes)
This story was featured on THE TODAY SHOW. I posted fine art nudes I took twenty years ago for an article called “Am I

Promiscuity Changed My Life
I want to share one of my Life-Changing Moments inspired by: THE MOMENT: Wild, Poignant, Life-Changing Stories from 125 Writers and Artists Famous & Obscure

She Deserved To Be Judged!
Hey Pot, You Calling the Kettle Black? I went shoe shopping with my friend code-name Tango 5-6. She wanted a pair of 200$ Mephistos.

Do You Bore Your Kid?
I have two daughters who are seven and nine One needs constant conversation and connection. The other is a day-dreamer who entertains herself with

Am I Really Fat? Combatting Body Dysmorphia with Fine Art Nudes
(Disclaimer. Some of you will read this blog and think, “Why doesn’t that skinny bitch shut the f-up?” In Los Angeles I’m not thin. But

Writing For Idiots!
There you are, you Empty Page I face you now, typing fingers drawn, ready to scribble you into the oblivion from whence you came.

What Do You Tell Your Children About Death?
It’s been an awful year. We’ve lost three of our beloved elders. My sister-in-law’s health is precarious and we’re blazing the trail to bring