The Last Ark of The Covenent

Why Did Hot Paramedics Have to See Me that Way?
Into my bedroom strode not one, not two, but three insanely hot paramedics.

The Man With No Feet
This cannot be happening. Last week you fight off a happy ending massage and this week you’re going to be the victim of a foot-ectomy by a footless magazine salesman …

What to do in London
During one particularly gruesome scene, a character, who’d also provided comic relief, kills himself by slitting both wrists …

I Went in for a Massage and Might Have had a Happy Ending (London)
Thwackah! This was the sound of the 4′ 6′ Shimura whipping both sheets off me like a magician revealing the fact he’s made his assistant disappear.

Tales From an Inadvertent Matchmaker
One night at the Peninsula I noted two gentlemen eyeing Glenna and me from a neighboring table.

When Your New Date Tries to Move in the 1st Week! Yikes, Love Addiction!
Here’s my first “Ask Shannon” video! Perfect when your new love interest wants to move in after one week! Uh oh! Could be he’s a

Advocating for Public Education
I want your child to come to our neighborhood middle school, Emerson Community Charter. So there’s my agenda right out there in the open.

I said, “I’ve Never Felt More Attractive.” He said, “I Don’t Believe You.”
My un-Botox-ed brow furrowed and I felt compelled to ask my equally middle-aged male compatriot whether or not he was at the apex of his juiciness …

How I Made My Daughter A Better Athlete!
I stalked left field like a panther, my stride sinuous. Predatory.

How Do Sex and Nascar Racing Add up to a Healthy Marriage?
If I were to think of our sex life as a Nascar Race, then there are some months that we go around the track quite a bit …

One Task: How to Build Self-Esteem
Back in my Asshat days, I was incredibly annoying. And I wasn’t even the Asshat.

A Plea to the Overachieving Mothers!
I’m a terrible mother! For all I know the drama kid’s really staying at school till four playing craps against the side of the handball court with a coupla middle schoolers named Vinnie and Jett …