The Last Ark of The Covenent

The American Girl Doll Birthday Party Rip-Off
What is more wholesome than an American Girl Doll? There’s Josefina Montoya who tries to preserve what is precious after her mother passes away on

Other People’s Kids Suck!
I’m not usually a judgmental person, but I have to say … other people’s kids suck. So many of other people’s kids are too hyper,

Celebrity Stalkers: In the Day When Katie Holmes Was a Scientology Prisoner
The problem with being a mom in L.A. is that we’re celebrity magnets. Stars — who spend their lives jetting to “location” on

Laser Hair Removal
My L.A. mom friends include: A former editor at Forbes Magazine A lawyer from the Slovak Republic A child development expert A public

Kids Who Hate Change
Henry and I had the execrable audacity to repaint our 8-year old daughter’s bedroom against her will. Two more heinous crushers-of-the-soul have never existed.

West Los Angeles Moms Have Buns of Titanium, But At What Cost?
You know you’re hanging out with West Los Angeles moms when the majority of them have buns so tight they could open a pickle jar

Mommy Flirting
I flirt with moms more than men these days. And not because I’m a lesbian, though that might’ve saved me some heartache

The Christ Child is Born
The Los Angeles Lakers showed up for the cesarean with my first child, Clare. Okay. Not literally. My doctors – whom we’ll call Kobe and

The Day Before My Baby’s Birth
Gestation: 38 Weeks, 2 Days The day before my baby’s birth I’ve officially broken the forty-pound weight barrier, coming in on the scale

Three For The Road
Gestation: 35 Weeks, 6 Days The last few days it feels like Henry, Clare and I are doing everything as a threesome for the last

In Brazil, a Cesarean is Scheduled Like a Mani/Pedi
Gestation: 34 Weeks, 3 Days My friend, Mary Rose, had her second child, Maya, completely naturally. No drugs. What she did have was

The Ape Baby
Gestation: 33 Weeks, 5 Days In the last ultrasound our baby’s profile looked like a small ape baby face AND our house has been