The Last Ark of The Covenent

Pregnancy Insomnia
Gestation: 12 Weeks, 6 Days I’m struggling with an intractable case of pregnancy insomnia. I haven’t wanted to write it down in black and white

Pregnancy Musical Blues
Gestation: 12 Weeks, 4 Days I’m obsessed with The Sound of Music. I watch it compulsively, bursting into tears every time someone bursts into song.

Inner Beauty, You Elusive Unicorn!
Gestation: 12 Weeks, 2 Days Over a plate of Sake Kasu Chilean seabass with shitake mushroom tapenade at Chaya Brasserie in the heart of

The Rabbit Died
Pregnancy: Month One CLICK BOOK COVER TO BUY! This Ain’t My First Rodeo. As per nothing, I think I might be pregnant. I’ve been