The Last Ark of The Covenent

I Need Advice From Working Moms
When it comes to my kids’ emotional lives, I’m an extreme empath. I have little tolerance for my childrens’ anxiety, discomfort or sadness. I have to rush

I Didn’t Let That Little Bitch Beat Me
(Warning: This post is inspired by that foul-mouthed Delta Gamma who threatened to “C&nt Punt” her sisters if they didn’t shape up. Turn away if

My Interview on “Raising America with Kyra Phillips” on Date Rape
I know three women whose first sexual experience was date rape. Two of them were in high school at the time, and the last

Why My Wedding Anniversary Means Nothing To Me
Henry and I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. We tell each other not to get each other gifts for our birthdays. We had our 12th wedding

Accepting The Fact That Women Are Prey Can Empower Us
A few weeks ago, I talked with Neal Conan on NPR’s Talk of The Nation about my experience as the victim of an attempted date rape in 1986.

May: The Month to Do The Things That Scare You
These are the things I’ve done recently that made me want to vomit while pooping water. (Yes. You can take that line and use

People Who Do the Dangerous Things That Need to be Done: Tim Hetherington
I’ve just finished watching a must-see Documentary Famed war correspondent and filmmaker, Sebastian Junger (War, The Perfect Storm, Restrepo) has made a documentary about

David Schwimmer Is Just As Lovely As He Seems
Before I married the most delicious man in the world, I kissed my share of frogs. But I also kissed one sweet Prince. Here’s

What Is Your Hair Identity?
I was going to write about the three main reasons America failed in Iraq: 1. We disbanded the Iraqi army leaving a bunch of

Sexual Dissatisfaction: When Your Spouse Is No Longer Attractive To You
Recently a reader contacted me regarding my Married Sex series to tell me her story in the hopes of getting some answers. We’ll call my reader

Little Girl Movie Star Parties Freaked Me Out. Not Anymore!
I’ve been Professor McGonegle. I’ve been Medusa. And now I’ve been Makeup-Artist-to-the-Stars, Gilda. I blame my myriad incarnations on my daughter Bridget, because she

When Your Divorced Parents Love Each Other
My mom and dad haven’t been married since I was two years old. Throughout my childhood, they had very little contact. Once custody was