Gone Fishing Over The Holidays (Christmas Photos)

Hello, Dear Fellow Humans.

I have not felt like updating and writing. I’ve felt like eating Christmas cake cookies and drinking egg nog spiked with Thunderbird. Which means I’m fat and happy. (Maybe a little too happy).

So I’m going to be posting in a slatternly fashion. I will be back in action three times a week come the new year or when and if school ever resumes.

My wish for us all in the new year is to breathe more deeply, aim lower and accept our foibles and humanity with empathy and humor. Full disclosure. I did photoshop my neck in our Christmas photos.

With my Henry. I’m pinching his bottom to make him smile with his teeth.
Everyone’s smiling so happily because I just told them we wouldn’t have to sit for another family photo until 2020.
Happy Holidays, from our house to yours xo

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