Volunteering in Syrian Refugee Camps
Excerpt: “Things get real when I’m handed the three-year-old son of the pregnant woman …
Excerpt: “Things get real when I’m handed the three-year-old son of the pregnant woman …
“But Sunni and Shia death squads began targeting Iraqis working for the coalition …
“The men, ages 20 to 25, were weak from three days without food and water, were soaked to the skin from a treacherous sea crossing from Turkey …
My father cursed me. I was departing to volunteer and gather stories in Syrian refugee camps in Lesvos, Greece …
“I have my own story. One I’ve replayed in my head when dread lodges in my body while I watch the scenes of horror in Paris unfold on TV …
You will get lost in Rome. You will get lost in Florence. You will get lost in San Gimignano and anywhere there is a paved road or a goat trail. And it won’t be charming.
During one particularly gruesome scene, a character, who’d also provided comic relief, kills himself by slitting both wrists …
Thwackah! This was the sound of the 4′ 6′ Shimura whipping both sheets off me like a magician revealing the fact he’s made his assistant disappear.
All I really seem to crave right now is some warm milk and a Thai caning. Neither of which I am capable of purloining in The Peery Hotel aka The Overlook Hotel in The Shining. I may not survive the night.
Leaving Paris to go home and: 1. Set up mammogram. 2. Set up doctor appointment to remove child’s warts. 3. Figure out Obama Care. 4. Pick up cats from kennel 5. Mainline crack.
Welcome to my Traveling With Kids In Paris series: This year our vacation has been to Paris over the kids’ winter break. Here are
Shhh. I’m hiding in an internet cafe on Rue Thouin across the street from the apartment we’re renting on the Left Bank in the Latin
We’re heading to Paris Tomorrow! It sounds sexy, but I promise to vomit on the plane and have an affair with Gerard Depardieu who
Back to Los Angeles After a South African Safari After a butt-numbing 36-hour travel day (which, technically makes it “days”), we are home from
Guess what? After two weeks photographing the animals on safari, I can hear their thoughts! Today we fly home. Blech. Last night we had
We’re nearing the end of our trip. I’m in mourning. When traveling, I become romantic and bold. My hat sits at a jauntier angle.
They had to pry me out of our More Quarters Hotel apartment in Cape Town by the bloody stumps of my fingers. People in
Traveling can be The Agony and The Ecstasy. Just so you don’t want to garrote us for galavanting in the sub-tropical South African veld,
I never understood why anyone would fly 24-hours from California to the African bush only to potentially be eaten. After three days at the
I write this missive from the veranda of the Lelapa Lodge in Madikwe. It overlooks the South African safari bush. The air is redolent
Hello, South Africa! After a six-hour flight from Los Angles to New York, and a fourteen-hour flight from New York to Johannesburg, the eagles
We awoke at the crack of a gnat’s ass this morning. Stumbled about preparing to depart on the first leg of our South African
On Wednesday, should all the stars align, my family and I will be boarding a plane DESTINATION AFRICA! I don’t really believe it. It
My family and I are going to Africa in February, which I won’t believe until I land. In August of 2000, I had the
I Love New York City I love the way it smells like bagels and urine. I love that it causes sweat to run in
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