Kirkus Review Names My Book, Into The Child, One of Top 100 Indies of 2012
Hello my Dearest Readers, Thank you so much for reading! I just found out my book, Into The Child: 40 Weeks in the Gestational
Hello my Dearest Readers, Thank you so much for reading! I just found out my book, Into The Child: 40 Weeks in the Gestational
My eighteen month-old toddler Clare prefers her daddy more than me. There it is. In black-and-white for all to see. A public indictment of
The Los Angeles Lakers showed up for the cesarean with my first child, Clare. Okay. Not literally. My doctors – whom we’ll call Kobe and
Gestation: 38 Weeks, 2 Days The day before my baby’s birth I’ve officially broken the forty-pound weight barrier, coming in on the scale
Gestation: 35 Weeks, 6 Days The last few days it feels like Henry, Clare and I are doing everything as a threesome for the last
Gestation: 34 Weeks, 3 Days My friend, Mary Rose, had her second child, Maya, completely naturally. No drugs. What she did have was
Gestation: 33 Weeks, 5 Days In the last ultrasound our baby’s profile looked like a small ape baby face AND our house has been
Gestation: 32 Weeks, 2 Days I’m in the stage of pregnancy where I resemble a post-op frontal lobotomite. I spelled “of” “uv” the other day.
Gestation: 31 weeks, 3 days Henry’s mad at me for being mad at him regarding what time he comes home from work, which is
Gestation: 31 weeks, 4 days My world is spinning off its axis. My babysitter is leaving me. (Did I mention I’m a work-at-home-writer
Gestation: 31 weeks As I swallowed a third Tums to quell the pillaging heartburn that comes of eating chicken milanesa when you’re nearly
Gestation: 30 Weeks, 4 Days I’m worried I won’t love the new baby as much as I love my firstborn, Clare. I had
Gestation: 29 Weeks, 5 Days Time: Noon Place: Santa Barbara Biltmore Activity: Solo weekend away Mental Condition: Foot loose and fancy free I’m sitting in
Gestation: 29 Weeks There’s a red-headed twenty-seven month-old Love Bully named Scarlet in Clare’s Toddler-and-Me class. Just our luck, she has it in for
Gestation: 28 Weeks I’m lying in bed useless to the child I have, trying to get over a horrible cold so I won’t have
Gestation: 27 Weeks, 4 Days In film school I made an eight millimeter film on female body image for my non-narrative film class. I
Gestation: 27 Weeks Here’s my sob story accompanied by violin in A minor. My parents divorced when I was two. Both remarried. My dad once
Gestation: 24 Weeks, 5 Days New Year’s Resolutions: 1. To stop hating myself, loving myself, hating myself, loving myself. 2. To stop being jealous of
Gestation: 24 Weeks, 1 Day It’s the Night of the Living Dead up in here. Henry and I went to bed at eight-thirty. It’s now midnight.
Gestation: 23 Weeks All I want for Christmas is: 1. To keep the pregnancy boobs. 2. Nipple tassels for the pregnancy boobs that I can
Gestation: 22 Weeks, 4 Days Ahh, the Christmas season is upon us yet again. Stress on earth, general resentment toward men. I’m related to Ebenezer
Gestation: 21 Weeks, 4 Days We enter a Mexican restaurant for our first dinner out together since the twelfth of never. It smells of
Gestation: 21 weeks Today I lifted my shirt to show 18-month old Clare my belly. “There’s a baby sister in here for you,” I
Gestation: 20 Weeks 5 Days 1. You’re a bitch to your husband during pregnancy because he flattens himself against the wall like a minnow avoiding
Gestation: 19 Weeks, 6 Days I panicked during my amniocentesis today, which reminded me of a fat, gray seal I startled once while scuba
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