Caught In The Act and Traumatized!
Midnight. Exhausted as we were, we were not going down (so to speak) without a fight. We’d just begun certain preliminary gestures toward one another. Clothes were shucked …
Midnight. Exhausted as we were, we were not going down (so to speak) without a fight. We’d just begun certain preliminary gestures toward one another. Clothes were shucked …
One of my rock bottoms was discovering my boyfriend romancing another woman at 2 a.m. in his apartment …
I remember the moment as if it were yesterday. I’d gone into my college boyfriend’s parents’ bedroom in search of Kleenex when I noticed something on their night table that embarrassed me …
1. You are unable to find satisfaction in your life outside of a specific person.
If you see an Asshat as a human being you’ll begin to miss the specific things you love about him, instead of focusing on the overall crappy way he makes you feel.
He wouldn’t talk to me or even look at me, all he did was play pool.
Here’s why using sex to audition for wife will fail every time …
Are you an Asshat? Because I can fix you. If you’re a car, then I’m a mechanic. If you’re a computer, then I’m the Geek Squad. If you’re a porn star, then I’m the fluffer.
My first lover was Brandon Birmingham, captain of The Audacious, a merchant ship set for the Orient.
He’d mistaken me for a prostitute and had his way with me before he knew the truth…
Suddenly we put on our white hat, brandish our battle saber and charge in on our noble steed to rescue the Asshats them from their very own Asshattery, abandoning ourselves in the process!
In making me feel smaller, The Greek God ensured that I’d never leave because, considering all of my flaws, I believed I was lucky to get him and should just put up with the times he treated me poorly.
It was still summer and the cock blockers were gone. I’d driven them at breakneck speed up to my mom’s in Santa Barbara. It was the first time they’d be away from home and we could have sex in every room of the house.
Here’s the funny thing about people. They tell you who they are. And they often tell you right away. Recently, I worked with an old
He walked in the door of our house at 1 a.m., as if it were only 6 p.m. and he didn’t reek of Other Women.
At 49 I’m just not ashamed of wanting to be attractive and even desirable anymore. I don’t care that some people may think desiring to be desirable is an affront to my husband and my marriage. Or that they may think I need to get a life and help build houses for Habitat for Humanity. Or that they may think I’m guilty of the 3 Vs. Vapidity, Vacuousness and Vanity.
When it comes to dating, do you keep choosing Asshats over and over and over again? I was an Asshat-magnet, right up until my womb
Ahh, that perennial relationship black hole of Calcutta, the Asshat. They don’t call when they say they will. They don’t show up when expected. They
Look at That Handsome Face I’m not sure what moon my cycle is in, or which lunar orbit is pivoting across the satellite of my
A new study by the Journal of Sexual Medicine surveyed 902 people who practice kinky sex. This means BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism) Then
6 Ways Dating is Like Hiking 1. First, you must be sure you have the right foot equipment for the climb. Are you going to
Guess what? Food is NOT the enemy! That is, unless you’re consuming Twinkies, pork rinds and Funyons on a regular basis. But what a relief
Are Henry and I the next Grey Gardens? The latest in my Husbands and Wives Series. Lately, Henry’s been cooking mushy, formless, tasteless chicken. “Can
Have you ever had sex in a shark tank? Well you should! A recent article on touted, “Getting Risky” as one of the best
Hint: Banish all Mice It was 10 o’clock p.m. on a Friday night. The kids were actually asleep. Theoretically, Henry and I could’ve been rocking
I am frequently mistaken for a priest. People confess things to me. I don’t ask them to tell me their secrets, but I must
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