11 Things in Your Kitchen Right Now That’ll Kill You!
Wheat is one of the deadliest foods that kill. It can give you “wheat belly;” making you bulbous and inflamed …
Wheat is one of the deadliest foods that kill. It can give you “wheat belly;” making you bulbous and inflamed …
“As we sat together in silence, I called each of your names, and in the quiet of that room, where the tension was still thick with not knowing, I wanted to say your names over and over again.”
What happened in the hot tub stays in the hot tub. Let’s just say I did not lose my virginity there, but the Kraken had been unleashed …
“Mom, how old do I need to be before I can have sex?” Oh, crap. I am suddenly thrust into a very important conversation with the question-asker, my 9-year old daughter, that I WAS NOT expecting.
I want your child to come to our neighborhood middle school, Emerson Community Charter. So there’s my agenda right out there in the open.
I stalked left field like a panther, my stride sinuous. Predatory.
I’m a terrible mother! For all I know the drama kid’s really staying at school till four playing craps against the side of the handball court with a coupla middle schoolers named Vinnie and Jett …
When the Bossy Docent yells at a child for pulling a pine cone off a tree, yelling, “Leave this land exactly as you found it,” do not whisper to your child’s teacher …
I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to barf. I didn’t want to get salty. I didn’t want to smell feces. I didn’t
We’re the parents who allowed our 12-year old daughter to watch two R-rated movies. Is it my imagination, or have our phones stopped ringing
Bad Parenting 101 The day was perfect for boogie boarding at the beach. The tubes were hollow, the pits weren’t dropping, there weren’t any bombs
I did something that totally pissed my kids off. I sent them to summer sports camp so I could work and try to make money
The Father Daughter Relationship Daddies value quiet, calm, cool-headedness, solutions to problems and a frothy lager. Daughters value love, acceptance, patience and a safe place
“Alright fine, let’s just go! No one wants to be here anyway, so let’s just go home and all get on our electronic devices in
When the nurse placed my first swaddled newborn on my chest right after I gave birth, I believe the first words out of my mouth
There’s a trend in parenting to compliment our children’s abilities rather than their appearance. The lead in a recent Daily Telegraph article states: “Parents should stop
My kids don’t do what I say. Especially in the morning before school (TMBS). In TMBS they become spaced-out love children in the Haight
Me to Bridget (aged 9) when I fail as a mother: Honey, I’m sorry I lost it with daddy in front of you today.
If you read my blog you know I’m capable of catastrophic Irish morbidity. Case in point. When my daughters strike an aloof attitude toward me
We Collearys are not a religious people. Henry’s a recovering Catholic. I was raised Mormon and love them dearly, but simply could not commit to
Last week I picked my daughters and a friend of theirs up from school. We made a pitstop at our favorite taco truck in
Why You Should Support Public Education I was a little startled to find myself holding a package containing twelve vacuum-packed brains last Wednesday. “Please tell
When other people’s children are in my care I treat them like they’re mine. I didn’t used to do this, but I’ve had kids
My daughters’ snuggles are my form of crack. On a biochemical level, my body sinks into a deeper calm when I hold them. And it
It seemed like an ordinary night. There were no harbingers of doom — A murder of black crows on the telephone wires outside. A
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