Three Bodies
“Sometimes I feel like Peter Pan. But not because I don’t want to grow up. I’m like Peter Pan in that I’m chasing my shadow, only my shadow is my body.” – Lisanne Sartor
“Sometimes I feel like Peter Pan. But not because I don’t want to grow up. I’m like Peter Pan in that I’m chasing my shadow, only my shadow is my body.” – Lisanne Sartor
When these women look into an interactive mirror, they are not expecting what is about to happen …
I woke up this morning utterly paralyzed by all of the things I need to do or think I need to do or can’t remember if I need to do or in what order I need to do. Wear my cougar costume.
In a recent Today Style article Marisa Kabas writes: “Last month, (e-retailer) ModCloth was the first company to sign onto the ‘Truth in Advertising Heroes
Last week I got to be a Bombshell. I’ve always wanted to be a Bombshell, and am grateful to chocolate and french bread for making
Healing from Hidradenitis Suppurativa & Body Image Issues Through Fine Art Nudes: (Stephanie) When I met Stephanie, a self-described Empath and Healer, in Boulder,
Save The Children USA This brought tears to my eyes. Save The Children USA tried to make saving children “sexy.” Whatever it takes to get
If you’ve been anywhere around this site or my social media networks you are probably incredibly sick of seeing my 1950s pin-ups. I’m posting them
News Flash: Internet Buys Vagina! I’m beginning to realize I somehow manage to work the word “vagina” into about eighty percent of my posts. I
Are You Afraid Your Body Isn’t Beautiful After an Accident or Surgery? (Body Image Issues) Today I received a comment that made my heart ache.
Body Image Issues Begone! “What’s this?’ I asked a roided-out Gold’s gym employee. I was holding a fistful of my own soft, round flesh, which
Healing Body Image Issues Through Fine Art Nudes (Claire) When I asked Claire, a Denver-based sales rep, why she wanted to participate in our
Whose Is Worst? Ladies, have you ever bonded with fellow ladies by describing all of the things you don’t like about your body, and one-upping
Okay, just stop judging your body. Have you stopped? Good. Now, how does your body feel? Mine feels pleasantly tired after working out hard in
Barbie’s gotten a lot of flack over the last decade for having body proportions that are anatomically impossible. Her Highness of Vapidity has even been
Healing Body Image Issues Through Fine Art Nudes (Ruby) I’ve begun the “Love Your Body Now” project with photographer, Beth Sanders. We’ve recently added a
I was sitting in my office (the bathroom) flipping through the latest Vanity Fair. I was annoyed that Julia Roberts was on the cover —
Healing Body Image Issues Through Fine Art Nudes (Beth) Hello Beauties — I’m very excited to announce that photographer Beth Sanders, body coach Marlene Zaleznick and I
Today is a blue day for no particular reason. My children are thriving. My marriage is solid. We have money in the bank and a
It’s the moment every woman dreads. You’re lying flat on your back, your feet in stirrups and a doctor lady with cold fingers kneads your
My first lover was a USC football player with 0% body fat. He looked like this: You’d think we would have had hot sex. And
I’m vanquishing bad habits and losing weight. Because I was such a Skinny Minnie who could eat anything I wanted until I turned about 40,
This compulsion I have has a profound affect on my happiness … I’m a habitual Tryer. I spend a lot of my time trying.
My doctor won’t prescribe me any more Ambien. She says I could wake up wearing nothing but a smile while driving my car the wrong
These are the things I’ve done recently that made me want to vomit while pooping water. (Yes. You can take that line and use
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