The Habit That Keeps You Feeling Like Crap!
I Did It Too! How To Change Bad Mental Habits! I always thought if I could just get a screenplay I’d written into production
I Did It Too! How To Change Bad Mental Habits! I always thought if I could just get a screenplay I’d written into production
What is The Law of Attraction? Thought leader and cherubic badass Mark Manson defines it thusly: “Essentially, The Law of Attraction states that whatever consumes your
You Might Be Blocking Happiness and Not Even Know It! If you were raised in an unpredictable, volatile or drug-and-alcohol addicted home, you may
Sometimes it feels really good to be pissed off at people. We can get really puffed up and indignant about their obviously assinine behavior …
“I realize that when I pray, I assume I’m not perfect enough for God. I assume God disapproves of me, is disappointed in me …
Hello Ninjas — I’m typing this while wearing nothing but stilettos and a smile … okay, I’m in my pajamas wearing reading glasses with
While going through my divorce, my therapist said to me “if he was like this while you were married, why do you expect him to be different now?” …
“Then something kind of crazy happened. A friend asked me if I’d be willing to volunteer with her in Syrian refugee camps on the island of Lesvos in Greece …
“Listen you privileged little shit, who do you think you are treating this well-meaning middle-aged woman so poorly …”
I was living with a man, at the time, who consistently broke my heart and was pursuing a career that didn’t want me.
Into my bedroom strode not one, not two, but three insanely hot paramedics.
Each bite does not touch my lips before it’s fingerprinted, patted-down and cavity-searched on that hellish Fitness Pal app.
I woke up this morning utterly paralyzed by all of the things I need to do or think I need to do or can’t remember if I need to do or in what order I need to do. Wear my cougar costume.
Save The Children USA This brought tears to my eyes. Save The Children USA tried to make saving children “sexy.” Whatever it takes to
Today is a blue day for no particular reason. My children are thriving. My marriage is solid. We have money in the bank and
This compulsion I have has a profound affect on my happiness … I’m a habitual Tryer. I spend a lot of my time trying.
My doctor won’t prescribe me any more Ambien. She says I could wake up wearing nothing but a smile while driving my car the wrong
These are the things I’ve done recently that made me want to vomit while pooping water. (Yes. You can take that line and use
Is it just me or do you ever feel like you’re losing in the happiness race? Like if somehow you’re not in a perpetual
There has been some fuckery afoot. Henry walked outside yesterday to get into our 10-year old Toyota Highlander only to wonder, “Dude, where’s my car?” It
I frequently think I’m a sluggard. I mean what am I doing with my life? Am I doing enough? Shouldn’t I be more intelligent,
There you are, you Empty Page I face you now, typing fingers drawn, ready to scribble you into the oblivion from whence you came.
Shopping Addiction To prepare for hunting season, first take note of where you’ve observed the Halteveres Gladiator Sandals or the Spectrum Caftan Dress
I’m about to make glassy-eyed love to my Demand TV. The girls are in bed after I read the illuminating Captain Underpants to them,
© 2025 Copyright Shannon Bradley-Colleary. All Rights reserved.