The Hubba Hubba Girls: When Girlfriends Save Your Life
When I was nine-years old my mom went through a debilitating divorce from my stepdad and I moved in, permanently it would turn out, with
When I was nine-years old my mom went through a debilitating divorce from my stepdad and I moved in, permanently it would turn out, with
“The thing about being murdered,” writes William Langewiesche in this May’s issue of Vanity Fair, “it usually comes as a surprise.” The Same Can Be
If you haven’t read Sebastion Junger’s latest piece in Vanity Fair, The Never-Ending War: The Bonds of Battle, you must.
I didn’t realize when I woke up this morning, there was a price on my head. I rolled out of bed, after the kids
Intimacy with strangers just happens to me. There was the gentleman confessor of an adulterous liaison on the flight back from Boulder and now
ALERT! ALERT! ALL PERI-MENOPAUSAL WOMEN BEWARE: In case you were thinking of accidentally forgetting to renew your antidepressants, and weren’t concerned about missing a
7 a.m. Without my antidepressants, I wake and think: “I am born.” — (Charles Dickens, David Copperfield) I feel fine and fresh and new. I
It’s the moment every woman dreads. You’re lying flat on your back, your feet in stirrups and a doctor lady with cold fingers kneads
This is what I did to prepare for my 30th high school reunion: 1. Over-indulge in wine coolers and nervous carbohydrate eating. 2. Gain
In considering the usual psychological tropes for why alumni don’t attend their high school reunions my research has come to this: He feels too
(Warning: This post is inspired by that foul-mouthed Delta Gamma who threatened to “C&nt Punt” her sisters if they didn’t shape up. Turn away if
I know three women whose first sexual experience was date rape. Two of them were in high school at the time, and the last
A few weeks ago, I talked with Neal Conan on NPR’s Talk of The Nation about my experience as the victim of an attempted date rape in 1986.
Plastic Surgery Confessions It makes me crazy when celebrities over-45 attribute their youthful looks to “drinking lots of water.” Or that old chestnut, “I’ve
I’ve been content for three days in a row. Well, I had one little shard of jealousy poke me. As I watched Girls last night and Lena
This week I’m focusing on teen dating abuse. Yesterday I wrote about a former classmate who was murdered by her boyfriend after she broke
I’ve been planning my 30th high school reunion, searching high and low for class of 1983 graduates. This has brought up a lot of
This was my last Christmas letter as a single woman, clinging by a very thin thread to the fabric of sanity. January Love: Boyfriend
Writing my blog exposes where I am in my psychological evolution on any given day. And writing at the speed of sound isn’t wise.
Not since college have I slept four women in a room, two to a bed. And usually that was under the influence of Thunderbird and
Here’s What I Know About Sisters in my 47th Year: The Truth will set you free. I’ve been jealous of my younger sister,
I occasionally post at a fabulous website called MomsLa. However I didn’t realize how repressed some of their members are. I am trying
Hey Pot, You Calling the Kettle Black? I went shoe shopping with my friend code-name Tango 5-6. She wanted a pair of 200$ Mephistos.
Sick. Fluey, coldish, hacky. Blech. This is really getting in the way of my world domination. How am I supposed to pillage, flank, conquer,
I’m one quarter German This makes it hard for me to allow too much shmutz to gather in my home. I’m a German Cleaner
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