My Life as an Assassin
I didn’t realize when I woke up this morning, there was a price on my head. I rolled out of bed, after the kids
I didn’t realize when I woke up this morning, there was a price on my head. I rolled out of bed, after the kids
ALERT! ALERT! ALL PERI-MENOPAUSAL WOMEN BEWARE: In case you were thinking of accidentally forgetting to renew your antidepressants, and weren’t concerned about missing a
7 a.m. Without my antidepressants, I wake and think: “I am born.” — (Charles Dickens, David Copperfield) I feel fine and fresh and new. I
It’s the moment every woman dreads. You’re lying flat on your back, your feet in stirrups and a doctor lady with cold fingers kneads
This is what I did to prepare for my 30th high school reunion: 1. Over-indulge in wine coolers and nervous carbohydrate eating. 2. Gain
In considering the usual psychological tropes for why alumni don’t attend their high school reunions my research has come to this: He feels too
(Warning: This post is inspired by that foul-mouthed Delta Gamma who threatened to “C&nt Punt” her sisters if they didn’t shape up. Turn away if
Plastic Surgery Confessions It makes me crazy when celebrities over-45 attribute their youthful looks to “drinking lots of water.” Or that old chestnut, “I’ve
Writing my blog exposes where I am in my psychological evolution on any given day. And writing at the speed of sound isn’t wise.
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