More Than a Decade of Marriage!
Sunday Henry and I celebrated eleven years of marriage by gorging on red meat and tippling mescal while I blew my fluey nose into cloth napkins at Boa in Santa Monica.
Here Are One Wedding Day and 11 Anniversaries:

We married at the Biltmore in Santa Barbara on May 27th 2001. And I wasn’t even medicated. I had however, due to nerves, lost eight pounds. When I went in for my fitting two days before the wedding, they had to basically sew my corset to my non-existent breasts.
My seamstress sighed in exasperation, “The fat ones getter fatter, and the skinny ones get skinnier!” We had 100 Mormon relatives and 100 Catholic relatives. I think you can guess who used the open bar.
Here we are on our First Wedding Anniversary:

What a Difference a Year Makes.
Here I am, a swollen, tepid brunette one week away from birthing my first baby, Clare. Michael and I are already exhausted. I’ve been on bed rest for three weeks, because my placenta started to fail, which was terrifying. Henry’s reaction has been to stuff me with bean and cheese burritos as though preparing a spring ham for the spit.
In the above photo, Henry is saying: “What the fuck are we getting ourselves into?” I am saying, “Shut the fuck up and smile.”
Here we are on our Second Wedding Anniversary:

My waistline is back! We’re dining at the former Bastide on Melrose Place. What I don’t know is that Henry’s suffering from a blinding migraine.
He doesn’t tell me in order not to ruin our evening. It’s fantastic because I talk incessantly without interruption while he just nods, smiles wincingly and intermittently vomits in the potted palms.
Our Third Wedding Anniversary. Post-Partum Again!

I’ve recently given birth to Bridget. So I think it’s a good idea to cut off all of my hair because that’s so sexy. Fortunately, Henry will take me however he can get me.
In the above photo, being parents of a one-and-a-half month old and a 23-month old, we haven’t slept in weeks. We’re teetering on the brink of madness.
Our Fourth Wedding Anniversary:

Me: “Am I crushing your legs?” Henry: “What legs? Everything’s numb below the waist.”
Our Fifth Wedding Anniversary:

I’ve lost 15 lbs. due to IBS (Irresistibly Beautiful Syndrome — oh alright, Irritable Bowel Syndrome). I’m in constant pain for about eight months and see a million doctors.
Finally, my gastro sends me to a psychopharmacologist who gives my bowels anti-depressants. They become much happier. The only thing that gets me through this time is Henry rubbing my back every night.
Our Sixth Wedding Anniversary:

We’ve just got back from living six months in Toronto while Henry wrote and produced family classic Firehouse Dog (go buy it – we get residuals!). I’ve decided to go brunette for a year so Henry feels like he has a mistress.
Our Seventh Wedding Anniversary:

We’re heading to a swanky Hollywood producer’s 50th birthday shindig. Little do we know said producer is going to renege on half of Henry’s paycheck. Had I known I would’ve tried to stock up on extra foie gras and filet mignon skewers by stuffing them into my Spanx.
Our Eighth Wedding Anniversary:

Henry: “Why are you hiding behind me?”
Me: “It’s slenderizing. Do you think we look older than when we got married?”
Henry: “Not you since you drink the blood of virgin choirboys.”
Me: “It’s just so refreshing!”
Our Ninth Wedding Anniversary:

We’re with the girls at the premiere of Unnatural History, a TV show Henry worked on that year. This was a cool day as the girls got to see acrobatic monks and eat from candy buffets until their heads spun while they spewed green Now N’ Laters. I decide to keep the pith helmet and wear it to bed.
Our Tenth Wedding Anniversary:

We’d meant to go to Amalfi, Italy (site of our honeymoon) to renew our vows with the kids, but the economic crisis struck and we had to scale back our ambitions to a weekend at the San Ysidro Ranch where we ogled Conan O’Brien and Kyra Knightley and even one another. For some reason we appear to be lobsters in the photo above.
Our Eleventh Wedding Anniversary:

Today is two days after our eleventh anniversary. Trite but true when I say I can’t believe how fast it’s gone, like an out of control locomotive helmed by Denzel Washington and Chris Pine heading downhill toward a small village of nuns and one-legged orphans.
Along the way we’ve had our girls, we’ve gained and lost and gained weight, we’ve lived abroad and stuck close to home, we’ve taken our girls to Ireland, England, Canada, Hawaii, Wyoming, Utah, Washington State, Cape Cod, Ralphs, Big Lots, Trader Joes, Smart N Final and the Wine Barn (for mommy).
We’ve had our scares. Clare almost died in the womb due to intra-uterine growth restriction, she had infant hip dysplasia due to being breach, wore a Wheton Pavlik harness for six weeks, she’s broken two arms (one requiring surgery and a metal pin) and split an eye open (requiring Derma Glue).
Bridget’s had a bacterial infection that landed us in the ER for eight terrifying hours where we thought she might not make it.
We’ve had our losses, Henry’s father, Bob, my stepdad, Guido and my grandma, Sue. Henry’s younger sister has had strokes and two brain surgeries. We’ve pulled together as extended family and these difficult experiences solidified our bonds. I knew my mother-in-law loved me like a true daughter when she boxed my ears during a family trip when I was speaking in an annoying Brogue.
We’ve had writing work and been unemployed for stretches.
We’ve been sexually bored and had to step up our game. We’ve been stressed out, freaked out, full of ourselves, excited and hopeful. There are times we’ve been like roommates and had to work to fall back in love.
We’re in the thick of it. Our life. Together. What I know for sure, after 11 years of marriage, is that I married a uniquely wonderful man and that no matter what life throws my way I’ll be okay as long as he is in it.
Kisses to my Henry. Between the two of us, you’re the better man. Thank you for marrying me. xo S
16 thoughts on “11 Wedding Anniversaries In Photos”
I love this (and not just because I appear in one of the pictures)! You’ve really summed up your life with Henry beautifully. He is your perfect match. No one else could handle you, but more importantly, only he deserves such a wonderful partner in life.
Oh AC, thanks. xo
A true love story
What a beautiful fun love story. The pictures are great!
Thanks Jen
How lovely. Hope it was a wonderful anniversary. Here’s to many more.
I’m tearing up…again….wow…beautiful…time always seems to fly and stand still at the same time
I’ve got the flu at the moment so time is officially standing still. Thanks for reading luv.
What a good looking couple! To many more happy years ahead! Cheers!
Thanks Brigitta!
I sincerely love this post and could relate on so many levels. I feel like I am getting to know you so well from your blog and love your writing style. 🙂
Thanks so much for saying you’re getting to know me through my posting. That makes me feel good about the writing. Thanks for reading and commenting.x
This is a beautiful post, I am so happy that I stopped by today..Thank you
Oh thanks Roe.
I had a Are You My Hubby Or My Roommate? moment earlier with my other half and this post made me laugh and feel normal. Thank You.
Today we’re roommates.
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